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On-Demand : The Whirlpool Transformation: Revolutionizing E-commerce with Pragmatic Composability

In its 111-year history, Whirlpool has consistently embraced change and innovation to remain at the forefront of industry trends. Recently, the company established itself as a leader in the e-commerce market by unifying its commerce technologies with a pragmatic approach to composability.

On August 29th, CGT sat down with VTEX’s founder and co-CEO, Mariano Gomide and Whirlpool's global data, technology & transformation Officer, Murat Genc to delve into the transformational impact of this "pragmatic composable commerce” strategy. Watch this webinar to learn how their approach together has refashioned Whirlpool's IT department into a powerful growth engine, resulting in enhanced customer experiences, increased online revenue, and more efficient management of global sales operations and multi-channel operations.

Watch this webinar to understand:

  • Whirlpool's journey to a modern, cost-efficient e-commerce model
  • How Whirlpool generated new revenue from these tech innovations
  • How Whirlpool improved its online customer experiences and boosted global sales

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